Hannah Montana Wiki
Hannah Montana Wiki

Rudith Ray Stewart (Vicki Lawrence) better known by her nickname "Mamaw" and goes by the name "Ruthie Ray Stewart", is Robby Ray, Uncle Earl and Bobby Ray‘s mother, Susan Stewart and Aunt Pearl‘s mother-in-law and Jackson, Miley and Luann Stewart’s paternal grandmother.

She lives in Tennessee but occasionally visits California. Ruthie is a demanding and opinionated woman, often seen nagging Robby about his habits and parenting skills. While in high school Ruthie dated fellow Tennessean Elvis Presley and claimed to have been the one to first give him the nickname "The King" after playing Checkers with him. Elvis eventually started dating Aunt Dolly which began a 30 year feud between the two women. Ruthie is also very competitive. She is a former Olympian and played volleyball at the 1964 Olympics. She even takes small games seriously, such as Battleship and Tiddlywinks.

Like Robby, Ruthie has a hard time trying to accept the fact that Jackson and Miley are growing up. This is most notably seen in You Give Lunch a Bad Name and I Am Mamaw, Hear Me Roar!.

Ruthie was a school lunch lady at East Northumberland High School for which she won the honor Lunch Lady of the Year from North Central Nashville School District every single year. Both Miley and Jackson love "Mamaw," but they often find her overbearing. Ruthie alienates Miley in "Grandma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Favorites" by clearly showing favoritism toward Jackson. Ruthie feels that because of all Miley's success, Jackson is often overlooked in the family.

Ruthie reconciles with Miley and teaches her to better appreciate her brother. In the episode "B-B-B-Bad to the Chrome", Ruthie is seen to have an old-battered car called Loretta. Loretta has 40 years of smells including her husbands' hair tonic and tomato sauce in between the seats. Mamaw makes her final appearance in Hannah Montana Forever (season 4, I Am Mamaw Here Me Roar) where she and Miley have a falling out over her revealing her identity and the fans keeping her from enjoying her granddaughter.


So far Ruthie has appeared once in seasons 1, 2, and 4, while twice in the third, 5 total.

The episodes include:
