Hannah Montana Wiki
Hannah Montana Wiki

"My Boyfriend's Jackson and There's Gonna Be Trouble" is the twenty-first episode of the first season.


Paulie the Paparazzo follows Hannah to her house, and he thought that was her house. Hannah lied and said it's not. So when Jackson came along, Paulie thought that was Hannah's boyfriend's house. He took a picture and put it in a magazine. Miley (as Hannah) was invited to a party and decided to break up in front of the paparazzi. Another guy told Jackson that he could take his SUV for a week. Jackson wanted to keep being Hannah's boyfriend, making the situation even worse. Miley agreed to keep being Jackson's girlfriend for another week, but, he was becoming obnoxious. The next day, Hannah had an appearance on a show with a hostess called Wendy. Her plan was to break up on the show. However, Jackson came in and told everybody he didn't want to break up. Hannah did it anyway. Then, Jackson said he loved Hannah like a sister.

In a sub-plot, Oliver and Sarah team up for a project taking care of a flour baby. Oliver finds that the more time he spends with Sarah, the more he begins to like her. But later they (Oliver and Sarah) learn that without the flour baby, they have nothing to talk about.



  • This is the last episode to air in 2006.
  • Miley wears her outfit from the first scene of this episode in the title sequence, suggesting that they were filmed concurrently.
  • The title is a reference to The Angels' song "My Boyfriend's Back".